Friday, December 25, 2015

Friday Post - Christmas Wrapping

If there's one thing I hate about Christmas, let's say it's the ONLY thing I hate about Christmas, it's the wrapping paper.  Mounds of it.  Heaps of it.  And it all gets thrown out.  I've been making my own bags out of discount Christmas cotton for  few years now.  I did a new design this year.

I made a base square and  cut out a strip long enough to sew all the way around.  Then I folded over one of the short sides of the strip to make a clean edge.  I started sewing the strip onto the base from the folded side.
 I was pretty wobbly around the corners, because who cares.  Nobody is going to check for wrinkles, and it doesn't have to fit a person, just a lumpy present.
 When I got to the end, I let the long strip overlap.  I then sewed overtop of it, leaving the seam visible.
I cut two pieces of ribbon that were long enough to meet in the middle and tie into a bow along the width of the bag and sewed them onto the side edges.  I then cut one long piece of ribbon that was the entire length of the bag and sewed it onto the top edge.
I wrapped all of those ribbons around, and tying them to each other so that they tugged on the edge and closed everything off.
It looks a bit lumpy, sure.  But It's so much less mess, and they store so easily.  Heck, when it's time to put them away, you could use them for packing up all of your ornaments..

Plus, it's an excuse to buy crazy Christmas fabric.

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