Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Snow White - 1976


 I keep seeing these abridged Disney movies from the "Wonderful World of Reading" series.  I picked up this one because the Disney version is pretty much the same as the original story and it's only a little bit scary, right?

The uncredited art is not quite the same as the original, which I find very interesting..  But the story, sure is.  Which means that the awkwardness of the dwarfs names is more apparent in this shortened version.  We don't watch these movies, so it's not as charming and more confusing without the experience of having seen them act out their characters.
 That's only a little awkward, though.  You know what's really awkward?  Having to reword the part where the hunter is going to kill Snow White because your toddler doesn't understand death yet.
But most awkward of all...

"Mama, what's a princess?"

"Well...  A princess is a girl who lives in a big house, and her parents have lots of money, and she wears lots of big dresses...  and she waits around for a really rich man to take her away..."

Well.  What would YOU say?  This is why I don't read fairy tales that often.

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