Thursday, January 21, 2016

No Fits, Nilson!

  By Zachariah OHora

I picked this one out for the art, which is pretty twee, I guess.  Hipster, almost.  But that word has basically lost all meaning.

I also got it out because it's about how you shouldn't have fits.
 My daughter has fits, like most 3 year olds.  But when she sees someone else having a fit, she's pretty quick to jump in with the same advice that I give her.  Things like, "count to 10" or "Use your words", or "No screaming otherwise you go in your crib."

She loves to hear about other people getting time outs for having fits, because then she can be all holier-than-thou about it.  She doesn't really reflect on the similarities shared by herself and the characters.
This was the weakest page.  Choco-banana twist.  Gag me.  My daughter didn't even care about this page.  This is like the 'when life hands you lemons' part of the book.  No toddler is going to have an 'a-ha' moment here.  It just comes across as an unimportant side-note.

Also, what's with Nilson and all of the watches on his arms?  He totally ripped that look off of Bananas Gorilla.

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