Monday, January 11, 2016

The Perfect Hug

 By Joanna Walsh

Illustrated by Judi Abbot

My daughter picked this one out.  Basically because it was the first book that she saw when she walked into the library, but also because it had a purple cover.
 The pictures are fairly cute, but the story is boring and pandering.  It's really meant to appeal to parents over kids.  Unlike a lot of books about different kids of hugs that focus on cutesy descriptive words, this book is about that one particular kind of hug: the perfect hug.
The hug given to you by someone of the same ethnic background.

I'm kidding.  But, really, that's how I read it the first time.

In all fairness, the author describes the perfect hug as one that's shared rather than only given or only received.  Which isn't offensive at all.  I still have no interest in reading this book again.

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