Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cats are Cats

 By Valeri Gorbachev

This book was fantastic. I wasn't expecting much, and I was pleasantly surprised.  It's about a woman who buys a cat that turns into a tiger, but no matter how big it gets, she loves it anyway.  Very simple writing.  Cute drawings.  Comical scenes.
 Her surprised face makes no sense in half of these pictures.  She's been living with the tiger for how long and suddenly she's surprised that he's huge?  I don't get it.
They decide to get a pet fish in the end that turns out to not be a fish.  And of course, they keep it and love it anyway.

This is a great basic message for children told in a simple but comical way.  It's especially great because it isn't condescending in the least.

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