Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Funny Face

 By Anna Walker

This is a great book about facial expressions.  I really could have used this with my daughter when she was a baby.

My son actually likes this book a lot.  I say actually, because he isn't that keen on books.  He's only just a year old and kind of a clumsy maniac.  He has no interest in sitting still and reading.

But this book is simple and easy to follow.
 I change the text a bit so that I'm only saying the few words that he seems to know.  There's one character who has a "bunny face".  I feel like it's an inside joke or something.  It doesn't make sense, and even my daughter doesn't get the joke.  She's all, "That's not a face" and then the whole thing gets derailed into an argument.

There are a few too many pages of them dancing that are very similar.  We skip those sometimes, too.

But, overall, it's a very cute book.  I even like the pictures.

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