Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tap Tap Bang Bang

 By Emma Garcia

This book is pretty lazy.  Lots of tools with googly eyes.

What the eff.

My daughter picked it out, probably for the googly eyes.
 Is this seriously meant for babies?  Does this even register with them?  The pictures bear so little semblance to the real tools.

I thought this one was a turkey baster at first.
 And this is a vise.  Sure.  And it makes a clamp, clamp sound?  When it clamps?  Is 'clamp' a word that babies are familiar with?  Is it one that you can explain to a child under the age of 2?

And then after a bunch of other tools, there's a random final page with a go-kart on it.  At which point I have to explain to my child what a go-kart is and how the tools made it and where the materials came from.

But I decided to send it back to the library instead.

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