Thursday, March 17, 2016

What Do You Want?

 By Lars Klinting

This book was great!  We found it at the library.  I had to dig through stacks of baby books to find it.  It was the only one that looked half decent.

Digging through board books at the library is the worst ever. Especially if you have a wild walking baby with you who is inexplicably attracted to CD racks.  But who also loves picking books up at random off of shelves and running to the front with them in an attempt to shove them all into the return slot.  HE HAS TO PUT EVERYTHING AWAY.

But obviously we've stopped taking him to the library for now, so we don't have this problem anymore.
Every page has an object, and when you turn the page you find out what belongs to that object.

The only part I'm not so keen on is the little old man wanting his hat and the little old woman wanting her man, but it's not the worst thing.  It really isn't.  Maybe it's really commentary on how the man losing his hair is having an identity crisis, and the woman basically wants for nothing but her husband because she's got herself all sorted.  Or maybe it's just a really lazily written baby book.

The best parts are the stroller and the baby, or the foot wanting a shoe, or the chair wanting the table.  Basically everything else in the book.  These are things that babies understand.
For me, when I see this page, I can't help but think of my Grandma who is single and has the craziest happiest social life.  Rolling her eyes at little old men trying to hit on her.

My kids loved this book so much that it ended up covered in crayon before we returned it (luckily it comes out easily with eraser.)

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